Monday, October 29, 2007

Blue Bunny

"My Hands Are Amazing!"

Uncle Billy took this photo. CHEESE!

Happy Halloween!!

Auntie Angibobos threw a Halloween Party and Ocean stayed up late so he could hang out too.
Sweet blue bunny and his Uncle Billy.
Cuddly fur ball and his Auntie Angibobos

Giving Daddy kisses.

Past His Bed Time

This little blue bunny stayed up way past his bed time. Homer looked after him and made sure his dreams were sweet. Doh!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

He says, "Gee mom, will you get that damn camera out of my face already!"
He says, "Brown is NOT my color, huh?"

My Lil Devil With TEETH!!

I had to add a couple more of the lil Devil photos.. they are just too cute. In this one you can see his TEETH! Two on top and one on bottom.

This one shows his cape and tail. BOO!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This here is the most beautiful thang in the world!
Chewin on them fingers with his brand new teeth. 3 of them!

This is currently Daddy's favorite photo. So cute!
Veronica sent Ocean this adorable lil devil costume. He's been wearing it out and about and it keeps him real snug and warm. You can't see it in this photo, but it's got a black cape and a devilish tail in the back. Cutest lil Devil EVER!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


He found daddy's antics to be hilarious...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Play and Sleep

Our little Ocean now has two teeth that are visible. One on the top and one on the bottom. I'll have to capture that and blog it here real soon. Here, Ocean had a good time laughing out loud for a while then decided it was time to catch some zzzz's after all that fun.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


He ate bananas for the first time and decided they're not for him. He had mommy and daddy rollin with the faces he was making while giving it a try. Just tonight he tried some sweet potatoes and he seemed to tolerate them nicely.

Ocean and Valkor

These pictures certainly aren't the best quality but they sure are cute. Ocean and Valkor get along really well. Anytime Valkor is near Ocean he gets really excited and laughs. Valkor loves to steal Ocean's socks and binkys.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

No Smoking!

Another silly photo edited on mommy's phone. My child will be 6 months old in 3 days. Although it's hard to imagine life without him it seems like only yesterday that he arrived. He's growing so big so fast and he can sit up all by himself now. Oh, and he has a tooth coming in on the bottom. Next week he will receive his 3rd set of vaccine shots at his 6 month pediatrician visit. He loves it when i sing him the song called the way i am by ingrid michaelson. When it's time for his nap, he falls asleep before i can finish hush little baby. Many times he refuses to fall asleep unless i start the song though.

The End of September

This here glow worm seems to be his very favorite toy. He smiles when he sees it and he hugs it so tight. He was fighting off falling to sleep at Antie Angibobo's house when this photo was taken.