It snowed a lot this time. A good 6 inches. I don't think he likes the snow all that much... yet. Maybe it's just that I have to put him down for a
minute but he doesn't enjoy sitting in it for very long. However, he sure does look cuddly in that snow suit he got from his Aunt Becky.

He just smiles and talks to this horsey on a stick that he got from his
Grandmahead. It makes noises and I think he thinks it's real sometimes.
Oh Ocean..you are so beautiful!! i cant believe how fast you are growing..just love ya kid!
Give me my baby twinkle toes! You don't know how bad that want to squeeze you little one! I sure do love you and miss you!
Oh my gosh that little snow outfit is sooo cute (good job Aunt Becky). I don't like the snow much either Ocean it to cold huh buddy. I love you!
Auntie Angibobo
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