we took Ocean to see santa at the north pole via polar express. we hung out with the elves and santa and mrs. claus while we snacked on chocolate chip cookies and sipped hot chocolate and we sang jolly songs and. .. (and you must click on the photo above so you can better see silly face in the window)

so excited!

and this was just minutes after getting off the train
haha..your baby is so freakin cute tis ridikulous!! Loooove you...Uncle Billy
Oh my sweet little Ocean man I love you so and that picture with Santa is too cute for words! Hope you had a good time and told Santa everything you want oh and don't forget some bling for Aunti Bobo's....haha.
Merry Christmas little man,
ohhh man Looks like you had sooo much fun going to the north pole and hangen out with sant and mrs. clause! You sure do have the best parents in the whole wide world honey! I absolutely love my sweet picture that you colored me for christmas and your pictures with santa that you sent to me! I love you so much honey!
Merry christmas and I love you more!
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