Friday, January 29, 2010

So Proud

so proud he is.... holding a check he received for a gig he did. all he had to do was sit and be adorable for a half hour while someone took photos of him.
and so proud of my little man i am. it's been a minute since i've recorded any milestones. well, Ocean is all potty trained now... has been for a while. his vocabulary blows my mind. the child says anything he wants... and then some. he sings several songs by memory and sounds so very cute when he does. he can even sing his abc's... and he can read all of them too. Ocean is so polite. he says please, thank you, your welcome, yes and no man/sir, and even offers compliments at the most appropriate times. he melted my heart the other day... i had just gotten out of the shower and he comes up to me grabbing two hands full of my hair from around my face and says... "momma your hair is soOo beautiful." he had the sweetest look in his eyes when he told me that. he is my protector and tells ludo where to go if he plays to rough with me. he runs up to me several times a day to give me the biggest hug and tell me how much he loves me. he's only 2 1/2 years old but he has the soul of the sweetest most caring young man i've ever seen. we just love him so unspeakably very much and we are so proud of our little Ocean man. he is my favorite.


Aunti Angibobos said...

What a cute picture, man he is growing up so quickly. He sure is one great kid! I'm so glad that I have been able to be part of his life, I really do love that little Oceanman with all my heart!!

Aunti Angibobos

Texbeck5 said...

Sarah and Chris, Ocean is the best little man an yall should be so proud! This age passes so quickly.
My heart use to melt too when one of mine would tell me how pretty I was.
That is something at this age that really does come from their little tiny hearts and brains with so much love for momma and daddy! Keep up the excellent parenting! Good job on him being potty trained before the age of 3! Having his manners well thats because of his parents that were raised up with good manners as well! Ocean, Ant Becky can't wait to have fun and play and cook for you, momma, and daddy! I love and miss you! xoxo Ant Becky