we all went to the edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros free twighlight show. we had the best time. Ocean recognized most of the songs and River couldn't stop boogieing. first family concert. special.

oh come ON! does it get any cuter than this? not even a little bit.
these are some of the words that our little River monster says:
kitty kitty
tickle tickle
car engine sounds
and his favorite word so far is "woah"

more camping good times. i fear the day he is able to cruise one of these things by himself. it's all he thinks about.... wheels.

my smarty pants can read and write all of his letters. he even does cross word puzzles all by himself.
sharing ice-cream. so sweet. ice-cream is by far River's favorite food in the universe. you should see how he behaves when he realizes he's about to eat some.
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