Monday, November 21, 2011

my awesome big boy started school back in september and this photo was taken on his very first day just as we were walking into the building. he was so excited and eager for this big day. me, on the other hand.... not so much. he was more than ready to have a  blast learning and meeting many new friends... and as he was pushing me out of the door... i was tearing up like a big baby. 

he just adores all of his new friends and he loves that teacher, mrs caitlin. 

needless to say we had a blast at the fair this year.

it's hard to tell in this photo but we were very very.. very high up.  Ocean was keeping momma safe tho.. no worries. 

these are some photos i found when i was cleaning out my phone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol freakin luv them!