Look at that mug. So it was the first snow fall of the year in the big valley of SLC and I thought Ocean might want to enjoy it. Well, he was having a bad day and I figured the snow might cheer him up. I was wrong. He played in it for a good five minutes and he'd had enough. I have a feeling he might be into it next time when he's had a better day.

"Hey ladies, wana join me in my hot tub"

After playin hard in the cold snow (for 5 minutes) a warm bath was in order...

Oh my god! I can't get enough of this little doll he is so perfect! I love his little teeth! The better to bite mommys gonzogaz with my dear!
You are smok'in hot I love the mohawk it totally kick ass. And your big grin man how can someone be so perfect? Love ya little buddy.
Auntie Angibobo
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